
Hair Transplantation 101

Hair transplantation, which involves moving healthy hair follicles from areas that have abundant growth to those with less or no hair, is one of the most common surgical treatments for baldness. Thanks to advances in technique, surgeons now have the ability to create natural-looking results, and even your closest friends might not know you’ve had anything done. Unlike the “doll-like” hair plugs that dominated the industry in the 70s and 80s, today’s surgeons place a single healthy follicle at a time, creating a more natural appearance.

The first step in the process is a consultation with your doctor to discuss the procedure in detail and determine whether you are an ideal candidate for hair transplantation. Your doctor will also take a look at your medical history to make sure you are in good health.

Once you decide to have surgery, you’ll schedule your appointment with the surgeon and undergo the procedure in an office-based clinic or a hospital. Your surgeon will clean your scalp and inject medicine to numb the area. 압구정모발이식 They’ll then choose one of two techniques: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). With FUSS, your surgeon will remove a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of your head and set it aside. They’ll then use a scalpel to create tiny holes or slits in the area where you will receive the grafts and then place the individual hair follicles into those slits or holes. Depending on how many grafts you need, the process can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.

After the operation, you’ll need to carefully follow your doctor’s post-operative care instructions, including not poking or scratching your scabbed scalp (even if it’s itchy). You should also avoid certain medications that can affect hair growth, such as steroids and anticoagulants, for several weeks after your surgery.

As you heal, your grafted hair will grow at a normal rate and eventually add up to a full head of hair. Some of the transplanted follicles may shed in the first month, and it’s normal for them to do so. However, if you’ve followed your surgeon’s instructions, new hair will start to grow in its place after about three months.무모증모발이식

Although rare, complications from hair transplantation can include grafts that don’t take or fall out, an unnatural-looking appearance, or the appearance of noticeable scarring. To reduce the risk of these complications, it’s important to choose a qualified surgeon who has been extensively trained in hair transplantation and has ample experience performing the procedure.

When evaluating a surgeon, it’s especially important to ask how they train their staff to perform the surgery and what their post-op care protocol is like. A reputable hair transplant surgeon will also explain the risks of complications, as well as what to expect during and after surgery.